NURS 5012 – Nursing Science and Patterns of Knowing, 3-Credits
An historical, contemporary and futuristic exploration of the art and science of nursing praxis including patterns of knowing: empirical, ethical, aesthetic, existential and emancipatory. Theories and models derived from nursing and the social sciences are synthesized for their usefulness in advanced practice nursing care for individuals, families, and communities to promote health and manage a variety of problems such as health threats, acute and chronic illnesses, and transitions. Opportunities are provided for students to synthesize family health concepts for use in clinical practice, scholarship, and research.
NURS 5020 – Statistical Methods in Nursing, 3-Credits
Quantitative procedures including descriptive and inferential statistics, non-parametric approaches to data, and parametric analyses. Selected research designs are explored. Analytic techniques are applied for use in selected research designs in health sciences research. Cross listed with CLTR 5020.
NURS 5030 – Nursing Research in Advanced Practice, 3-Credits
Examination of qualitative and quantitative methods of primary research employed to answer questions in nursing practice. Concepts include patient safety and quality principles, quality/process improvement, and evidence-based practice processes. Emphasis is on problem identification; design principles; and accessing, analyzing, disseminating and applying research for evidence-based practice.
NURS 5035 – Evidence-Based Practice to Advance Clinical Scholarship, 3-Credits
The focus of this course includes use of evidence-based practice (EBP) processes for individual patient management aligned with advanced nursing practice expectations and Standard of Care. Emphasis is on clinical problem identification, accessing, analyzing, and applying primary and select secondary source literature and clinical practice guideline findings to facilitate quality, safe, and individual patient care management.
NURS 5060 – Advanced Pathophysiology across the Lifespan, 3-Credits
This course is designed for nurses preparing for advanced nursing practice roles across varying population foci. Concepts will include advanced human physiology, pathophysiology, and common clinical manifestations. A body-systems framework will be used.
NURS 5062 – Advanced Health Assessment Across the Lifespan, 3-Credits
Principles and techniques of advanced health assessment across the life span are examined and practiced.
NURS 5400 – Evidence-based Practice for Health Promotion, Prevention and Common Health Problems I: Population Specific, 3-Credits
Grounded in theory and evidence, this initial didactic clinical course focuses on developing critical thinking skills and evidenced-based practice processes to achieve primary care nurse practitioner core competencies and domains and standards of clinical primary care. The emphasis is on health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, and assessment, diagnosis and management of common health problems while considering context for populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioners.
NURS 5405 – Evidence-based Practice for Common and Chronic Health Problems II: Population Specific, 3-Credits
Grounded in theory and evidence, this didactic clinical course focuses on application of critical thinking skills necessary and evidence-based practice processes to achieve primary care nurse practitioner core competencies and domains and standards of clinical primary care. The emphasis is on health promotion and maintenance, and assessment, diagnosis and management of common and chronic health problems while considering context for populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioners.
NURS 5409 – APN Clinical Practicum I, 3-Credits
Initial clinical practicum and seminar focusing on developing critical thinking and psychomotor clinical skills necessary to cultivate advanced practice nursing core competencies and domains in a clinical practice setting. The emphasis is on considering context while providing health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, and clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of common health problems for populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the adult-gerontology acute care, adult-gerontology primary care, and family nurse practitioner. The role of the nurse practitioner in the current healthcare system is examined. Credits include seminar and 16 hours of clinical per week (240hr/semester).
NURS 5410 – Common and Comorbid Health Problems in APN Primary Care Practice III, 3-Credits
Grounded in theory and evidence, this didactic clinical course focuses on integration of critical thinking skills necessary to achieve advanced practice nursing core competencies and domains. The emphasis is on health promotion and maintenance, and primary care assessment, diagnosis and management of common and co-morbid health conditions while considering context for populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioner. Taken by all students in adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioner tracks. A grade of B (83%) or higher in this course is required to progress to the next level.
NURS 5420 – Complex and Comorbid Health Problems in APN Primary Care Practice IV, 3-Credits
Grounded in theory and evidence, this didactic clinical course focuses on synthesis of critical thinking skills necessary to achieve advanced practice nursing core competencies and domains. The emphasis is on health promotion and maintenance, and primary care assessment, diagnosis and management of more complex and co-morbid health conditions while considering context for populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioner. Taken by all students in adult-gerontology primary care and family nurse practitioner tracks. A grade of B (83%) or higher in this course is required to graduate.
NURS 5430 – Management of Childbearing Women and Children, 3-Credits
The focus of this course on health promotion/disease prevention and clinical diagnosis and management of management of childbearing women and children. In addition, common acute and chronic health problems will be addressed.
NURS 5439 – FNP Primary Care Practicum II, 3-Credits
Clinical Practicum and seminar course that focuses on integration of critical thinking and psychomotor skills necessary to achieve advanced practice nursing core competencies and domains in the primary care clinical setting. Integrates content and clinical experiences from all previous primary care didactic and practicum courses with an emphasis on considering context while providing health promotion and maintenance, and assessment, diagnosis and management of common and co-morbid health problems among populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the family nurse practitioner. Credits include seminar and 16 hours of clinical per week (240hr/semester). Taken by all students in the family nurse practitioner track. A grade of B (83%) or higher in this course is required to progress to the next level.
NURS 5449 – FNP Primary Care Practicum III, 3-Credits
Clinical practicum and seminar course that focuses on synthesizing critical thinking and psychomotor skills necessary to achieve advanced practice nursing core competencies and domains in the primary care clinical setting. Synthesizes content and clinical experiences from all previous primary care didactic and practicum courses with an emphasis on considering context while providing health promotion and maintenance, and assessment, diagnosis and management of more complex and co-morbid health problems among populations, including individuals, families, and communities, specific to the family nurse practitioner. Credits include seminar and 16 hours of clinical per week (240hr/semester). Taken by all students in the family nurse practitioner track. A grade of B (83%) or higher in this course is required to progress to the next level.
NURS 5470 – Advanced Pharmacology for ANP PC Focus, 3-Credits
This course emphasizes pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics required for appropriate evidence-based pharmacotherapeutic management in primary care.
NURS 5845 – Health Services Statistics & Research Methods for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Encompasses elements of needs assessment, statistics, research methods/design, and epidemiology/populations health serving as the foundation for subsequent development of clinical scholarship.
NURS 5850 – Scientific & Theoretical Underpinnings for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Exploration of theories applicable to the healthcare delivery system. Emphasis is on an in-depth examination of concepts and theories appropriate for practice change projects.
NURS 5855 – Evidence-Based Practice for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Development of skills in the translation, application, and evaluation of research, with an emphasis on evidenced-based practice. Skills in the integration of knowledge from diverse sources and disciplines and its application to solve clinical problems and improve health outcomes.
NURS 5860 – Quality & Organizational/Systems Leadership for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Assessment and diagnosis of organizations, facilitation of system-wide change, development of political skill for change, engagement in the process of quality and performance improvement methodologies, and application of leadership theory within organizations.
NURS 5865 – Information Systems for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Evaluation and use of information systems/technology and patient care technology supportive of clinical and administrative decision-making relevant to patient care, care systems, and quality improvement.
NURS 5869 – Doctor of Nursing Practice Residency & Seminar I, 3-Credits
The first of three residency and seminar courses, this course requires the student to complete a nursing practicum in the specialty area of their choice with hours as necessary for total of 1,000 post-BSN. Students must complete a doctoral residency and participate in seminars. Students develop individual objectives to support their identified DNP project, and, in collaboration with the agency, preceptor and DNP project committee, plan their DNP project.
NURS 5870 – Health Policy & Populations-based Advocacy for The Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
This course focuses on the role of the advanced practice nurse in collaborative health care teams pertaining to health policy, health promotion, risk reduction, and illness prevention for population health. The role of the advanced practice nurse as advocate is explored. Educational strategies necessary for transformation of clinical education to decrease preventable deaths will be incorporated.
NURS 5879 – Doctor of Nursing Practice Residency & Seminar II, 3-Credits
The second of three residency and seminar courses. Students complete a doctoral residency and participate in seminars. Students implement their identified DNP project in collaboration with the agency and preceptor.
NURS 5885 – Leadership & Management for the Scholarship of Application, 3-Credits
Combines essentials of transformational healthcare leadership development, advanced practice management, and principles of business, finance and healthcare economics.
NURS 5889 – Doctor of Nursing Practice Residency & Seminar III, 3-Credits
The third of three residency and seminar courses. Students complete a doctoral residency and participate in seminar. Students evaluate their identified DNP project in collaboration with the agency and preceptor.
NURS 5895 – Doctor of Nursing Practice Seminar Series for the DNP Project, 1-Credit
Designed to assist students with the DNP Project.
GRAD 5910 – Responsible Conduct in Research, 1-Credit
The core principles pertaining to responsible conduct in research are covered through extensive use of case studies, along with readings and classroom instruction. Different sections of the course utilize case studies that emphasize discipline-specific issues. Satisfactory completion is based on participation in the discussions and completion of a case study presentation.